Monday, July 27, 2009

California Mandatory/Spay Neuter Bill Held in Committee

California Mandatory/Spay Neuter Bill Held in Committee


An outpouring of opposition by California sportsmen has applied the brakes
to a bill that would trample the rights of sportsmen and dog enthusiasts.

Senate Bill 250, which would with few exceptions mandate that all dogs be
spayed or neutered, appeared on the fast track this year. It passed the
Senate last month and recently cleared the Assembly Business and Professions
Committee. However, during a hearing on July 15, more than 100 opponents
turned out and rallied afterwards. During the rally, they heard from
numerous speakers including longtime sportsmen's supporter, Sen. George Runner (R-
Lancaster) a member of the Outdoor Sporting Caucus.
The bill remains "suspense file" which is where bills with a fiscal
impact go. Once a bill has been placed there, legislators must vote to remove
it before the bill can be considered again.
"The turnout today as well as the calls, letters, and emails from
sportsmen and dog enthusiasts made a difference," said Rob Sexton, U.S. Sportsmen's
Alliance (USSA) vice president for government affairs. "Although we're
not out of the woods yet, this kind of grassroots support is what can really
get the attention of legislators. "
In addition to USSA, opposition has come from dog and sporting groups
across California, including key partners such as the California Outdoor
Heritage Alliance (COHA), Masters of Foxhounds Association of North America, NRA,
California Rifle and Pistol Association, and Pet Pac.
Take Action- California sportsmen should continue contacting their
Assembly members and inform them of your continued opposition to SB 250 without
full protections for sporting dog owners.

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