Monday, December 29, 2008


The OFODC Quarterly Mtg. will take place on Sunday, January 18th at 1:00 p.m. for Board Members and 1:30 p.m. for the General Membership in Columbus OH at the Ramada Conference Center off of Sinclair Rd/I-71.

Please RSVP to Sharon as soon as possible. Thank You.

More specific details to follow as we approach the meeting date.

Sharon Unrau
OFODC Recording Secretary

Thursday, December 18, 2008

UPDATE ON HB 446!!!!!!!!

HB446 died a "death of natural causes" in its Senate committe last evening.

At the eleventh hour, the National Rifle Association made calls and their presence known causing the senators on the committee to back away from support.

As mentioned earlier, Meredith Johnson Snyder and myself went to the hearings on Tuesday. Meredith gave testimony.

In all the opposition prevailed!

Bobbi Brady

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Urgent Update From Bobbi Brady!!!

Meredith Johnson-Snyder and I attended the hearing. Please send the attachment of Meredith's opponent testimony.

1. There was no change in the proponent testimony.

2. The animal warden representative stated some issues were resolved in the amendments but they still oppose micro-chipping and believe tags are the best means of ID.

3. A breeder and former pet store manager (Amy Rausch) was against vets only giving rabies shots and against the increase in kennel and individual licenses.

4. Meredith Johnson-Snyder gave testimony representing OFODC. PLEASE READ THE ATTACHED FILE.

5. Veterinarian from OSU supported micro-chipping but that it shouldn't replace tags as a means of identification.

A possible vote could have taken place at 4PM but the hearing was cancelled.

The hearing resumes at 9:30AM tomorrow in the Grant Hearing Room 110. There could be a vote.

You are encouraged to attend! Bobbi Brady


From: Meredith Johnson-Snyder and Roberta Brady 12/16/08

The Ohio Federation of Dog Clubs

Re: Bill 446

To: Committee Members

Dear Senators:

We appreciate several of the amendments introduced, but we still have a couple of concerns not addressed in the amendments to the bill which we hope will be considered.

First: Raising the kennel fee and the fee for individual dogs is rather double dipping. Please consider reducing the kennel licensing fee and requiring only nominal fee per individual dog than is called for in this bill. The media has claimed that Ohio has 11,000 kennels; this is not true. The truth is that Ohio sells 11,000 kennel licenses purchased by owners of multiple dogs; owners who are not breeders and who do not have kennels.

For breeders to pay for a higher priced dog kennel license and then pay the regular individual license fee is punitive to dog breeders. As the Ohio Revised Code reads now, the purchaser of a kennel license only has to pay one or two dollars for individual licenses over the five dogs the kennel license presently includes. Since show and hobby breeders often keep puppies past the three month licensing grace period, the higher individual licensing fees will be a real burden. Also, unlike the big volume substandard breeders, show and hobby breeders usually keep retired dogs until they die of old age adding to the numbers to be licensed with the higher individual fee schedule. Substandard kennels simply destroy dogs that are no longer useful, while we either find wonderful homes for them or keep them ourselves driving our numbers up. Should we be penalized with higher for caring for our elderly dogs instead of crassly destroying them when no longer useful?

With the present anti breeding atmosphere in this country created and pushed by PETA, HSUS, and other animal rights groups, reputable purebred dog breeders are finding that they are considered “bad guys” for breeding at all. With all the legislation being proposed, initiated or at least backed by animal rights groups in our country, the small show or hobby breeder does not have the resources or the organization to fight back. PETA’s bottom line is the elimination of animal ownership. The raising of kennel fees and individual licensing fees places an additional burden on breeders trying to breed fine representatives of their breeds. If show and hobby breeders give up, all that will be left are the substandard breeders who raise dogs only for a profit.

Second: Please create a sliding scale for fees for licensing for dogs owned by those on social security, disability, or welfare. Often those in poverty or borderline poverty, especially the elderly already make trade offs when deciding whether to spend their meager funds on heat, food, or medicine. Often a dog is the only companion and comfort for those in need, especially the elderly. For families with children who are barely making it in this economy, giving up the family dog/dogs because of higher licenses seems cruel. To ask those in financial distress to pay licenses that are more than they can afford for the one or two pets that give them comfort and companionship making a big difference in their lives, is creating a hardship. Please consider a sliding scale for licensing fees for those in financial need.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

TUESDAY!! Senate State and Local Government and Veterans' Affairs Committee notice 12/16/08

State and Local Government and Veterans Affairs Committee

Notice of Meeting

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

10:00 a.m.

South Hearing Room


H.B. 446(***)** Animal control-revise statutes 6th Hearing

(Webster) Pro/Opp/IP Testimony

Possible Amendments

Possible Vote

*pending introduction and referral

**possible vote

***amendments or possible sub bill

Note: Written testimony (30 copies) for the committee members is requested. Please provide the chairman’s office with copies (30) of any amendments by Monday, December 15 at 9:30 a.m.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Looks like the agenda for todays Senate hearing on HB446 has been revised. The bill is 10th on the agenda which begins at 2:30PM. No vote is scheduled but there may be possible amendments.

We would like to urge everyone to write to their legislator to oppose the passage of this bill. It does not benefit the welfare of dogs.



State and Local Government and Veterans Affairs Committee

Notice of Meeting

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2:30 p.m. or after Session

Senate Finance Hearing Room


S.B. 353**(***) Land reutilization corporations-create/abandoned 5th Hearing (if needed)

(Spada/Harris) land foreclosure-revise Pro/Opp/IP Testimony

Possible Amendments

Possible Vote

S.B. 387 Veterans relocating to Ohio-in-state tuition- 1st Hearing

(Grendell) immediately eligible for Sponsor Testimony

S.C.R. 22 Kenya-urge U.S. diplomacy to bring peace there 1st Hearing

(Mason/Turner) Sponsor Testimony

S.B. 375**(***) Fraud reporting system-complaints of fraud & 3rd Hearing

(Wagoner) misuse of public funds by public offices Proponent/Opponent

Interested Party Testimony


H.B. 525**(***) Recordable documents-be in standard format 3rd Hearing

(Combs) Pro/Opp/IP Testimony


S.B. 362**(***) Witness mileage fees-court and state 3rd Hearing

(Cates) administrative adjudications-adjust Pro/Opp/IP Testimony


H.B. 446*** Animal control-revise statutes 5th Hearing

(Webster) Pro/Opp/IP Testimony

Possible Amendments

H.B. 327*** Boards of health-city and general health districts 4th Hearing

(J. McGregor) Pro/Opp/IP Testimony

Possible Amendments

*pending introduction and referral

**possible vote

***amendments or possible sub bill

Note: Written testimony (30 copies) for the committee members is requested. Please provide the chairman’s office with copies (30) of any amendments by Friday, December 4 at 2:00 p.m.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Short Synopsis of the Hearing By Bobbi

On Tuesday, December 2, Paula Everett, myself and Robert Ellis attended the first Senate hearing for HB446. Norma Woolf of OVDO was also there and gave opponent testimony.

Paula emphasized the financial hardship to owners and breeders by increases in licensing fees. It is not inconceivable that owners may turn their pets in to shelters for being too costly in these economic tough times. Paula also stated that breeders who have kennel licenses will suffer a higher cost plus the individual tags. Amongst other things, she suggested a graduated scale of fees. Also objected to was the administration of mandatory rabies vaccine by a licensed veterinarian or under their supervision. A costly endeavor.

Norma Woolf emphasized the potential for injury to dogs which must wear their tags while out side and reinforced comments made by Paula.

On Wednesday, Meredith Johnson-Snyder gave testimony and she emphasized the increased cost of licensing and rabies given or supervised by a vet may prove too costly for the elderly causing them to give up their dogs.

Thursday will conclude the hearings in the Senate. There may be amendments made at that time. Then it will come to a vote to get it out of committee.

Bobbi Brady

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The point of this Challenge is personal contact between dog owners and legislators. Sure, they hear from us when we fax or email about a piece of legislation but we all know they rarely read those messages, they simply tally pros and cons. A card will be a personal, positive contact.
The aim here is to have each official receive a Christmas/Holiday/New Year's greeting from their dog (cat) owning constituents.

We ask that you send cards to your Governor, district officials as well as your city and county officials. At best this would only involve sending an extra dozen cards which will have you and your dog's (or cat's) photo and a comment such as those listed below. If these officials are people you voted for, state that you have supported them in the past and hope to continue your support.

If you did not vote for them let them know that depending on their position on dog related issues, you would certainly consider changing party affiliation to support the candidate most sensitive to the interests of their pet owning constituency. If you own Conformation dogs, include a win picture or photo of you, the dog and ribbons and trophies. Sign the card “Proud owner of an AKC Champion (breed)”.

If you own a dog with performance titles, include a photo of the dog out duck hunting, with the
sheep, whatever, and sign the card, “Proud working partner to a (title/event) dog. i.e. “Proud
working partner to a Field Trial Champion (breed)”.

If you own a dog with a CGC from AKC, include a photo of you, the dog, and the certificate. Sign
the card, “Proud owner of a Canine Good Citizen (breed)”.

If you own a Therapy Dog, include a photo with you, the dog, a Senior Citizen or hospitalized
child. Sign the card, “Active partners bringing joy to shut-ins, Mary and Fluffy”.

If you own a Tracking Dog, especially one certified for Search and Rescue, include a photo of
yourself and the dog - preferably working or “in uniform” and sign the card, “proudly serving the
community of (city/county) with Search and Rescue efforts, Mary and Sport”.

If you own a Service Dog, include a photo of the two of you, or of the dog and it's backpack or
performing a service like opening the door or retrieving something. Sign the card, “Blessed with
the service of “Fluffy” my service dog and constant companion, Mary Smith”.

If your dog assists with a reading program in the local school, include a picture of you, the dog
and some kids and sign the it, “Proudly helping children to read better, John and Rex”.
If you are a Judge, include a nice BIS win photo with everyone looking good, you, the handler, and the dog. Sign it, “Proud judge of AKC dog shows, Joe Judge, Lic. ####”.

If your dog does agility, include a really nice action shot of the dog and sign the card,
“Enthusiastic participants in the sport of Agility, Speedy and Mary Smith”.

For friends/family who own dogs obtained from a shelter or rescue, include a photo and sign the
card, “Proud Adopter of Charlie, rescue dog from (shelter/rescue group), The Jones Family”.
Puppy buyers should send cards stating “sharing our lives with a (breed) purchased from a
responsible hobby breeder, The Smith Family”.

Kennel & Training Clubs, vets, groomers and rescues should do the same with messages like:
· Successfully hosting all breed shows in (city/county) for XXX years.
· Successfully helping owners train their dogs to be good citizens in (city/county).
· Providing quality medical care to (city/county) pets.
· Keeping (city/county) canine residents well groomed for xxx years.
· Proudly re-homing “thrown away” dogs and cats in (city/county) to new forever homes.
ALWAYS use “owner”, “owners”, “owned by” - NEVER use the words “guardian”or “caretaker”.

We think you get the drift here what we are looking for - positive contact from constituents to
elected officials. If enough people do this, including friends and family with photos of them, the
kids, and the family pet(s) signed “Happily sharing family life with our (breed/mixed) dog(s)”,
legislators will realize just how many constituents are out there with pets. You could even neatly
write at the bottom of the card, “My Dog Votes”.

Naturally, you would be free to elaborate on your card, but keep it simple, not related to any
particular legislation.

The cost of a couple more Christmas/Holiday cards, stamps, and photos is negligible compared
to what you will suffer should anti-dog legislation be enacted in your community, county, or state.
In the case of state or federal officials, the cards should be sent to their home/district offices - not
their State Capital address.

Please crosspost this DPCA/ARC Challenge to appropriate lists and all kennel clubs, trainers,
judges, veterinarians, groomers, and pet owners. Together we can make a positive impression on
our officials - let them know we are out there; let them know we are voters; let them put faces to
their 2 and 4 footed constituents.

The American Rottweiler Club has partnered with the DPCA in issuing this Challenge. Will your
club or organization join us?

Thank you,
Dana M. Johnson Jan Cooper
DPCA Legislative Director ARC Legislative Chair

It is suggested that kennel clubs post this Challenge on their websites along with the
appropriated addresses for state and local officials – making it very easy for members and friends to participate in this effort.

Art Work by Deborah McClelland, Jarde English Cockers

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


HB446 will have hearings,opponent and proponent on December 2,3 and 4 at 10 AM. I am not sure what position we are on the agenda. I think we should be represented. I plan to go at least one day. Please e-mail me at or call 614-882-9062 if you plan on going.

Sen. Cates administrative assistant, Sarah Spence said HB223 is still in committee. The chairman of the committee "has some concerns" before it can be moved forward. We need to follow this closely BECAUSE IT IS POSSIBLE for it to move before before the legislature ends this year. I left a message for Jim Hughes adm. assistant to call me. No answer yet, so I'll try tomorrow.

Bobbi Brady

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Louisville Ky

I do not know the writer of this information and readers should simply be aware and hope that more information will come.....Bobbi Brady

> For those living in Louisville, KY: Metro Animal Services now has in
> place a Task Force which is operating under color of law, illegally
> seizing animals. A member of the Task Force contacts people who have
> advertised puppies or kittens in the Courier-Journal, on
> www.Louisville-, LouisvilleMojo. com, or (and
> possibly other sites). This member, a Louisville Metro ACO, poses as a
> puppy buyer, and when granted access to the property in that guise,
> does an inspection. Then, immediately upon leaving the property, the
> ACO signals to the other members of the Task Force (which inexplicably
> include Louisville Metro Police Officers), who then arrive on the
> doorstep demanding entry and threatening to seize the animals.
> Up to this point, ACOs have been granted access and animals have been
> seized. Those animals are not returned to the owner without
> extortionate fines (well over $300 per animal), and penalties
> including spaying/neutering of the parents and vaccinations of the
> puppies regardless of age.
> police and ACOs alike UNTIL A SEARCH WARRANT IS PRODUCED, describing
> your property and the probable cause upon which the warrant is based,
> and signed by a judge. CONTACT AN ATTORNEY!
> Contact information for a local attorney with understanding of dog/cat
> issues:
> Pat King 585-5763
> 730 W. Market St
> Louisville, KY

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pet Care & Law Information

Please read today's edition of the Columbus Dispatch(11/8) in the Metro section.

The Franklin County Animal Care and Control is going to offer pet care and law information. This is an attempt to eliminate or reduce fines if the owner hasn't licensed,vaccinated or has allowed their animal to run loose. Offenders attend a class to teach them to become responsible dog owners thereby getting reprieve from fines.

In my opinion, this is a giant step toward responsible pet ownership and I hope it works. Of course, we need to know who is paying for the classes, don't we.

Roberta "Bobbi" Brady

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hello all

Myself (Roberta Brady) and Meredith Johnson-Snyder are the legislative liaisons for the Ohio Federation of Dog Clubs newly formed. Here is a synopsis of the club:

Membership is of three types:
a. All Ohio AKC member clubs as well as performance clubs.
b. Associate member clubs open to all non-AKC clubs, groups, organizations who wish to support club objectives.
c. Sponsor member open to individuals who wish to support the club objectives.

OUR MISSION- To bring legislation relating to dogs and/or dog ownership to the attention of individual members, member clubs and the public and to take such action as may be required to protect the rights of responsible animal owners.

Promote the welfare of dogs.
Representation on all dog related legislation proposed by local and state government in Ohio.
Coordinate efforts with the American Kennel Club in areas of legislation and public education.
Educate the public about responsible dog ownership.

The website address is

For more information you may contact Meranda Hendricks at or Roberta Brady at
Thank you for your interest.

In Addition:

On Wednesday, October 1, I contacted the administrative assistants for Rep. Hughes, Senator Cates and Rep. Webster. All three assistants stated that no action will be taking place on the bills until after the National election on November 4.

I will keep all updated......Roberta Brady

Sunday, October 5, 2008

OFDC General and Board Meetings at Urbana Show

Greetings All:

Hope all is well. A reminder for OFDC board, members and other interested parties---our quarterly general membership meeting will be after BIS this coming Saturday in Urbana, OH.
We will have a board meeting, during groups prior to the general meeting. Officers and board members, please RSVP (to me) as soon as possible.

At the Urbana Shows, we will have an OFDC information table available with flyers, membership packets and additional dog legislation information. We are in need of volunteers to work at the table. I will be sending around a sign-up sheet tomorrow for sign-ups... please fill in a time and send it back to me if you are available. I'll create a master document and have it ready for everyone via e-mail by Thursday afternoon.
Please pass the word.

Sharon Unrau
OFDC Recording Secretary

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Puppy Uniform Protection Statute (PUPS) Legislation Introduced in US Congress

[Thursday, September 25, 2008]
The Puppy Uniform Protection Statute (PUPS) has been concurrently introduced in the US House of Representatives last week as H.R. 6949 and in the Senate as S.3519. The legislation will require that any breeder who sells more than 50 dogs per year direct to the public through internet sales or other outlets be inspected and licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture. Current law requires breeders who sell at wholesale (to pet stores, research facilities etc.) and have more than 3 breeding females to be licensed and inspected by the USDA.
The legislation further mandates that licensed dealers provide each dog 12 weeks or older with a minimum of two exercise periods during each day for a total of not less than one hour of exercise. Specifically PUPS requires that each dog be removed from its primary enclosure for this exercise, assuming that the dog is kept in a crate - the bill does not make exceptions for animals that are housed in larger runs where they are able to exercise continuously.
The American Kennel Club was not involved in the drafting of this legislation, but we look forward to working with federal legislators to contribute language which ensures the health and welfare of our canine companions without infringing upon the rights of responsible dog breeders and responsible dog owners.
AKC would encourage Congress to recognize that the responsibility of a breeder cannot be judged by the number of dogs sold or owned, but rather solely on the quality of care provided to the animals. We encourage Congress to direct USDA to draft performance based regulations which ensure dogs are provided with proper care and humane treatment including an adequate and nutritious diet, clean water, clean living conditions, regular veterinary care, exercise and socialization opportunities and kind and responsive human companionship.
The AKC Government Relation staff will carefully monitor this legislation and will update our website as the legislation moves forward.

Subject: Federal Puppy Mill Bill Introduced


Federal Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Crack Down on Abusive Puppy Mills
Legislation Seeks to Close Loophole in Animal Welfare Act that Allows
Internet Breeders to Sell Puppies without any Federal Oversight
WASHINGTON (Sept. 19, 2008) — The Humane Society of the United States and
Humane Society Legislative Fund commend federal lawmakers for introducing bills
that will crack down on abusive “puppy mills” in the United States — where
breeding dogs are often stacked in wire cages for years to produce litter
after litter. The legislation will close a loophole in the Animal Welfare Act
that currently allows large, commercial breeders who sell puppies online and
directly to the public to escape licensing and regulation.
The legislation — known as the “Puppy Uniform Protection Statute” (PUPS),
or “Baby’s Bill” in honor of rescued puppy mill survivor Baby who is the
subject of Jana Kohl’s new book A Rare Breed of Love — was introduced in the
House of Representatives yesterday as H.R. 6949 by Reps. Sam Farr (D-Calif.),
Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.), Lois Capps (D-Calif.) and Terry Everett (R-Ala.). A
companion bill was also introduced in the Senate by Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.).
The bills also require that dogs used for breeding be removed from their
cages for exercise every day. Female breeding dogs in puppy mills are typically
forced to live their entire lives in small cages with no opportunity for
exercise, no socialization, and little human interaction.
“Dogs are not livestock, and they shouldn’t be treated like a cash crop,”
said Michael Markarian, executive vice president of The Humane Society of the
United States and president of the Humane Society Legislative Fund. “We are
grateful to federal lawmakers for introducing this legislation to curb the
worst abuses in the puppy mill industry. It’s a much-needed upgrade to our
nation’s laws that protect man’s best friend from cruelty and harm.”
Facilities that breed dogs for commercial resale through pet stores are
required to be licensed and inspected under the federal Animal Welfare Act. But
thanks to a gaping exception in the law, puppy mills that sell directly to the
public are exempt from any federal oversight whatsoever. Unregulated
Internet sellers and other direct sales facilities sell thousands of puppies a year
to unsuspecting consumers. Due to improper care, their puppies are often
sick, leaving outraged consumers with frail, sometimes dying puppies and high
vet bills. Meanwhile, the breeding dogs at these facilities often spend their
entire lives in constant confinement and deprivation.
“Sadly, finding your puppy online may well increase the chance that you’ll
be buying from a puppy mill,” said Sen. Durbin. “Our bill simply requires
that breeders obtain a license from the USDA if they raise more than 50 dogs
in a 12-month period and sell directly to the public and sets forth reasonable
standards of care for commercial breeders. Responsible dog breeders are not
the target of this legislation, but hopefully it will put the puppy mills out
of business.”
“My work supporting puppy mill regulation goes back to my time in the
California Assembly where I championed California's puppy mill law,” Rep. Farr
said. “I think it’s very important that Congress take the time to address
issues like animal welfare. These are the kinds of issues that really demonstrate
who we are as a society.”
“I’m proud to join with Congressman Farr and representatives of The Humane
Society of the United States today as we continue our efforts to ensure that
commercial dog breeders are appropriately regulated,” added Rep. Gerlach. “
Our bill, the PUPS Act, will close a loophole in current law that allows
large breeding operations avoid any and all oversight. I am confident that this
bill will not hinder the operation of reputable and responsible breeders.
Instead, it is aimed at protecting dogs and making individuals who are motivated
by profit over the fair and humane treatment of dogs accountable for their
The legislation will close the loophole in the AWA that allows thousands of
commercial breeders to go unregulated. It will require the following changes
to the AWA:
* All dog breeders who sell more than 50 puppies per year directly to
the public will be federally licensed and inspected; and
* Dogs at commercial breeding facilities must be given the opportunity
to exercise for 60 minutes a day.
* The bill will not affect small breeders and hobby breeders who sell
fewer than 50 dogs per year directly to the public, but is crafted to cover
only the largest commercial breeding facilities.
Public concern about the inhumane conditions typical in puppy mills is at an
all-time high, due to coverage on national television and several
large-scale cruelty investigations and rescues from puppy mills this summer that The
HSUS and local shelters spearheaded. Earlier this year, the Farm Bill passed
by Congress included a new provision to ban the importation of puppies under
six months old from puppy mills in China, Russia, Mexico and other foreign
Media Contact: Liz Bergstrom, 301-258-1455, _ebergstrom@humanesociety.org_
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest animal
protection organization — backed by 10.5 million Americans, or one of every 30.
For more than a half-century, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of
all animals through advocacy, education, and hands-on programs. Celebrating
animals and confronting cruelty — On the web at _humanesociety.

( .
The Humane Society Legislative Fund is a social welfare organization
incorporated under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code and formed in 2004
as a separate lobbying affiliate of The Humane Society of the United States.
The HSLF works to pass animal protection laws at the state and federal
level, to educate the public about animal protection issues, and to support humane
candidates for office. On the web at _hslf.org_ ( .

The Humane Society of the United States
2100 L Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037
_humanesociety.org_ (
Celebrating Animals, Confronting Cruelty