Thursday, October 1, 2009



This November, Issue 2 will be a statewide ballot and Ohio voters need to know why they should be voting Yes on this amendment. If passed, Issue 2 will allow farmers across Ohio to know they are being fairly represented by the most educated and professional ambassadors of Ohio agriculture and not dictated to by an out of state group solely interested in abolishing animal livestock as we currently know it.

Issue 2 will establish a board of qualified people who will consider issues and how they will impact overall animal health, biosecurity on livestock farms, animal disease prevention, food safety and affordable food supplies. If needed reform is required then this board will work with industry leaders on how to accomplish the best practices.

Ohio’s livestock and poultry farmers are firmly committed to responsible care for their animals and to provide safe and humane living conditions for these animals. People who are in constant care of livestock should be the ones responsible for making decisions on their livestock’s care. This board will be fairly represented by farmers, consumers, scientists and humane society members who will be able to work together to promote the safest and most humanly living conditions for our animals.

The issue has been promoted by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) as a power grab for Big Agribusiness. This is far from the truth. Family farmers across the state are concerned that out of state people with little knowledge of agriculture will be telling them what they can and can not do with their farms and their livestock.

As president of American Agri-Women and representing over 35,000 members across the country, I can tell you my members are not happy with outside interest groups telling them how to farm. They are now finding that no matter what they try to do to improve living conditions for livestock, it isn’t enough. They feel HSUS will not be happy until all animal agriculture is abolished.

Ohio’s agriculture community is soundly behind this issue and believes the best regulations for animal care will be achieved when all interested parties join together to develop a framework that is both effective and practical for consumers and for farmers.

HSUS would like you to believe that the majority of Ohio’s family farmers, environmentalists, and animal advocates are against Issue 2 when actually just the opposite is true. Not only are Ohio commodity and livestock groups in favor of Issue 2but the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Ohio Agri-Women, Ohio Farm Bureau, Ohio Manufacturer’s Association, Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks, Ohio State Grange, Ohio Restaurant Association, Ohio Horse Council, Ohio Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association, Ohio Veterinary Medical Association, various Ohio County Fair boards, County Commissioners, Township Trustees, State Representatives and Governor Strickland. People concerned with the livelihood of Ohio agriculture are in favor of Issue 2.

I am a farmer, a mother, a grandmother and an environmentalist. I believe in humane treatment of all livestock and I will be voting YES on Issue 2 this November. I hope you will see the need to do the same. Ohio agriculture will be counting on you.

Marcie Williams, President
American Agri-Women

Ohio Agri-Women, Past President

Farmer, Licking County

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