Friday, April 30, 2010

RESERVE THIS DATE! May 22 - Peaceful Rally Against the Ohio Dog Auction! (Holmes County, OH)]

Our efforts to reschedule the Holmes County - Coalition Meeting on the Ohio Dog Auctions Act from its original date of March 27, has been met with a tremendous amount of resistance from business owners who have expressed concern of "backlash" from members of the Ohio Professional Dog Breeders Association and Ohio Association of Animal Owners, both groups who oppose the Ohio Dog Auctions Act.

Despite a growing level of support and publicity for our state-wide ballot initiative campaign from residents within Holmes and surrounding counties, many of these business owners have expressed concerns they will be threatened and harassed should they extend an opportunity for the Coalition to hold an informational meeting on their private property. As shared recently by one local resident:

"Holmes County has Domestic Violence & Sexual Abuse issues, ESPECIALLY on the Eastern side. Anyone that wants to dispute that, Get your head out of the sand and read your Daily Record. These are the same "people" (Eastern Holmes County) that have the majority of puppy mills. I am so glad this issue has been exposed."

Because of this, we are more committed than ever to raising awareness of the animal cruelty, consumer fraud and corruption associated with the Ohio Dog Auctions, and we will continue to aggressively pursue all avenues to ensure passage of the Ohio Dog Auctions Act!

Mary O'Connor-Shaver
Cell: 614-271-8248

LEGISLATIVE ALERTS: Please visit our Home page for pending legislation impacting the welfare of OH animals -

Monday, April 26, 2010

The trouble with dog limits

Something for us all to think about, especially in these days of raids and
seizures. Permission to forward has been granted.

From: Walt Hutchens
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 11:51 AM

Pet limit laws are the most common reason for hiding a breeding
program. While they're usually passed with the intent to prevent
nuisances, their real effect is probably the reverse and they cause
other problems as well.

You can't have a real program with a three or four-pet limit, so when
such a law passes or a breeder accidentally moves his ten-dog program
to a place that has a limit, his reaction may be "Well, I'll just keep
most of them inside most of the time. They won't make any trouble,
they don't bark, so who will care?"

Part of hiding, however, is not allowing the general public to visit
his home to select a puppy and meet that puppy's parents. Instead the
breeder takes one or more puppies to some public area and the purchase
is done there. That itself is illegal in an increasing number of

Then the breeder doesn't have other breeders in his home. Maybe he
meets them out front to go to shows together or maybe it's at the
local Wal-Mart parking lot.

Neighbors, of course, are not invited in.

And what's the result? The breeder, especially if he or she lives alone,
no longer has feedback on the conditions in his home and kennel area.
"I need to clean that up NOW" may become "after lunch," then
"when the weather is warmer," and ultimately "one of these days."
Hey, it doesn't bother ME and it doesn't hurt the animals, so what's the
big deal? A faint odor builds to a stench but the workings of our noses
are such that a constant smell is no longer noticed.

THEN -- one more thing happens: A plumber comes to fix a leaking pipe,
a puppy buyer gets mad, or the downwind neighbor CAN smell your place,
and animal control is called. Our laws were originally written to
protect animals but they are now often applied to cases of 'aggravated
bad housekeeping.' No animals are in immediate danger but you are not
meeting the standard of 'adequate shelter, adequately cleaned,' as
interpreted by the young ACO, who 'just loves animals.' The court won't
make any distinction: Your animals -- and your entire breeding program
-- are gone, along with some multiple of $10,000 of your money, your
reputation, and (often) the legal right to sell an animal, perhaps
even to own one, ever again.

Current enforcement of current animal laws rarely allows room for any
imperfection. Seriously bad housekeeping (with no animals harmed) that
probably should be handled with "I'm going to be back in a few days
and if this isn't cleaned up then I'm going to start writing
citations" may very well make you a former dog owner and a criminal,
and hand you a lifetime punishment.

If you are filing your federal taxes on the basis of your dogs being a
business, you are at even greater risk because in many states,
that declaration will trickle down to your county or city
and you may be required to get a business license. If you have a
business license (or it can be proven that you SHOULD have one) you
probably have to obey an even stricter set of laws with even less
protection for animal ownership.

For example, in Virginia, if animal control doesn't like the way you are
keeping your pets and you are a hobby breeder or a pet owner, they can
seize only dogs that are in immediate danger -- io such bad shape that they
might actually die soon. If you are running a pet-related business, they can
ALL your dogs whether there's anything wrong with them or not.
All they have to do is say that the conditions were unsatisfactory.

That pet-limit law was intended to head off animal
nuisances, but the way it interacts with humans and the human
situation -- very few of us can afford to move to a remote area during
our working lifetimes -- tends to promote not just a nuisance, but a
human (and often, animal) tragedy.

While the problem is clear enough, I don't have a complete answer. One
partial answer is that hiding from the law is a very slippery slope
indeed and if you do it, you need to stay focused on exactly WHAT you
are hiding. Once it gets beyond 'too many dogs,' you and your dogs are
seriously at risk and in today's environment it's closer to 'when are
you going to get zapped,' than 'will you ...'

Take a look around: What is the WORST anyone could say or think about
conditions in your home/kennel right now? That IS what they'll say in
front of the judge, and he will believe THEM, not you.

Food for thought ...

Walt Hutchens
Timbreblue Whippets

ACTION ALERT! We Need Your "NO" Vote in the The Daily Record Poll!

Dear Companion Pet Lovers ~

Your concerns regarding the Ohio dog auctions are being heard throughout Holmes County! Because of this, we are being flooded with letters and calls of support!

Please take a moment to vote NO in the latest poll being conducted by the newspaper, The Daily Record: "Should dog auctions be allowed to operate?"

A NO vote means you are AGAINST the Ohio dog auctions! The current poll reflects 88% of readers voting NO!

We need you to vote! Holmes county leaders are watching the results of this survey!

Here's the link in which to vote NO - >
(You will need to scroll down this page until you see on the right hand side the box labled POLL. This box will be located under the Buehler's Fresh Foods advertsiement with the dancing pineapple).

Thanks so much for your support! Please crosspost this poll via Facebook, Twitter and email to all your family, friends and co-workers!

Mary O'Connor-Shaver
Cell: 614-271-8248
Columbus Top Dogs

Friday, April 16, 2010

AKC Legislative Alert- Ask the Ohio House of Representatives to Repeal BSL!

Ask the Ohio House of Representatives to Repeal BSL!

[Thursday, April 15, 2010]

House Bill 79, sponsored by Representative Barbara Sears of Lucas County, removes the term "pit bull" from Ohio's statutory definition of dangerous dogs. All Ohio residents are encouraged to contact the Speaker of the House and their legislators to ask them to support this important measure and end 20 years of discrimination against responsible dog owners in Ohio.

Ohio is currently the only state to have enacted statewide breed-specific laws. The current law states that if a dog "belongs to a breed that is commonly known as a pit bull", then it is automatically considered vicious and dangerous. Owners of these dogs must submit reports to the board of health and county dog warden whenever there is a transfer of ownership.

Breed-specific language in state law has also enabled local Ohio municipalities to enact strict ordinances regarding ownership of "pit bulls" and has led to the ban and euthanasia of numerous dogs in communities throughout the state.

The American Kennel Club strongly supports House Bill 79 and recognizes that dangerous dogs should be defined by their deeds, not their breed. The AKC urges communities to establish a fair process by which specific dogs may be identified as "dangerous" based on stated, measurable actions, impose appropriate penalties on irresponsible owners, and establish a well-defined method for dealing with dogs proven to be dangerous.

The AKC strongly opposes any legislation that determines a dog to be "dangerous" based on its breed or type, and applauds the Ohio representatives who seek to remove this discriminatory language from state law. The AKC encourages Ohioans to contact their legislators and members of the House Agriculture committee and ask them to support this measure.

Read AKC talking points on breed-specific legislation.
Read AKC article "Why Breed-Specific Legislation Doesn't Work".

How You Can Help

· Contact the Ohio Speaker of the House, and respectfully ask that he allow the House of Representatives to consider House Bill 79. His contact information is as follows:

Speaker Armond Budish
77 S. High Street, 14th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215-6111
Phone: (614) 466-5441
Fax: (614) 719-0008

Contact your state legislators and ask them to support House Bill 79 and request that leadership allow them to vote on this bill. Visit the Ohio General Assembly's web site to find the names and contact information for your legislators.
For more information, contact AKC's Government Relations Department at (919) 816-3720, or e-mail

American Kennel Club Government Relations Department

8051 Arco Corporate Drive, Suite 100

Raleigh, North Carolina 27617

Phone: (919) 816-3720

Fax: (919) 816-4275


To view a full copy of this alert, go to

In a purported effort to address three recent well-publicized dog bite incidents in New Orleans, a new mandatory spay/neuter ordinance proposal has been introduced in the New Orleans City Council. It seeks to require all dogs be sterilized by six months of age or require their owners to purchase a costly annual intact dog permit. The American Kennel Club (AKC) opposes the ordinance, and encourages all responsible dog owners in New Orleans to contact the City Council and respectfully yet strongly urge them to vote down this proposal.

Councilwoman Cynthia Hedge-Morrell, sponsor of the current proposal, introduced a similar mandatory spay/neuter ordinance last year to address funding inadequacies of the Louisiana Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (LaSPCA), which enforces the city's animal control laws. That proposal did not pass the Council.

If enacted, the new ordinance will impose many new unreasonable requirements on responsible dog owners in New Orleans, which include:

Requiring all dogs six months of age or older (with few exceptions) to be spayed or neutered or require owners to purchase an annual intact dog permit. Mandatory spay/neuter ordinances have not been effective anywhere they have been adopted. In fact, in many cases the euthanization rates in surrounding areas have declined faster than those areas with mandatory spay/neuter policies. Additionally, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) have both issued policy statements in the past year stating that mandatory spay/neuter policies are not effective. Enforcement of existing law, including leash and confinement laws, is a better alternative that does not discriminate against responsible, law-abiding dog owners.

Limiting female dogs from whelping more than one litter per year, or whelping a litter if the female is younger than 18-months of age. The AKC opposes any arbitrary limitation on the responsible breeding of purebred dogs, and believes health and reproduction decisions are best made by owners in consultation with their dogs' veterinarian.

Imposing significant fines for those who are found to be in violation of the ordinance, with the income from the fines to be used to further finance the LaSPCA's animal control efforts. The AKC believes that the cost of enforcement of the ordinance will be far greater than any revenues gained through fines or fees assessed. Further, New Orleans may experience a significant drop in licensing compliance rates and revenues similar to other cities where mandatory spay/neuter laws have been enacted. It could also lead owners to avoid proper veterinary care and vaccinations for their dogs in order to avoid detection.

The American Kennel Club opposes mandatory spay/neuter laws. Instead, we support reasonable and enforceable laws that protect the welfare and health of purebred dogs and do not restrict the rights of breeders and owners who take their responsibilities seriously. Additionally, we strongly support and actively promote a wide range of programs to educate the public about responsible breeding practices and the responsibilities of dog ownership.


The Government Relations Department has received word that the ordinance is likely to be voted on at its next meeting on Thursday, April 22. The AKC strongly encourages all responsible dog breeders and owners in New Orleans to contact the current members of the New Orleans City Council. Respectfully let them know that you oppose the mandatory spay/neuter proposal, and urge them to vote against it.

Council President Arnie Fielkow (At-Large)
City Hall, Room 2W40
1300 Perdido Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 658-1060
Fax: (504) 658-1068

Council Vice President Jacquelyn Brechtel Clarkson (At-Large)
City Hall, Room 2W50
1300 Perdido Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 658-1070
Fax: (504) 658-1077

Councilwoman Shelley Midura (District A)
City Hall, Room 2W80
1300 Perdido Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 658-1010
Fax: (504) 658-1016

Councilwoman Stacy Head (District B)
City Hall, Room 2W10
1300 Perdido Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 658-1020
Fax: (504) 658-1025

Councilman James Carter (District C)
City Hall, Room 2W70
1300 Perdido Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 658-1030
Fax: (504) 658-1037

Councilwoman Cynthia Hedge-Morrell (District D) - ordinance sponsor
City Hall, Room 2W20
1300 Perdido Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 658-1040
Fax: (504) 658-1048

Councilwoman Cynthia Willard-Lewis (District E)
City Hall, Room 2W60
1300 Perdido Street
New Orleans, LA 70112
Phone: (504) 658-1050
Fax: (504) 658-1058

Coalition Meeting

Dear Companion Pet Lovers ~

It is with deep regret that we must cancel our Holmes County - Coalition Meeting on the Ohio Dog Auctions Act scheduled for Saturday, April 17.

Our efforts to reschedule this meeting from its original date of March 27, has been met with a tremendous amount of resistance from business owners who have expressed concern of "backlash" from members of the Professional Dog Breeders Association and Ohio Association of Animal Owners, both groups who oppose the Ohio Dog Auctions Act.

(For a fair and balanced reporting of what took place during the canceled March 27 meeting, we invite you to read the article, Ban Ohio Dog Auction group met with opposition in Holmes county, published by Local Editor, Beverly Keller, of The Budget.)

Despite a growing level of support and publicity for our state-wide ballot initiative campaign from residents within Holmes and surrounding counties, many of these business owners have expressed concerns they will be threatened and harassed should they extend an opportunity for the Coalition to hold an informational meeting on their private property.

A very special "two paws up" to Committee Member, Veronica Dickey, who has worked diligently since the March 27 cancellation in attempting to secure a new meeting location. To gain a better appreciation for what she has faced, we invite you to read the following:

Ø March 29. Reservation for a meeting room is requested at the Hotel Millersburg. Though the co-owner expressed concern over "the minor incident that occurred at the public library", he agrees to host a breakfast meeting in a private room for 15, even suggesting the larger room which would be more accommodating. On April 5, an email is received canceling the reservation. In the email, the owner states concern over the Coalition advertising the event and his inability to accommodate what he suspects will be "too large a crowd for such a small establishment." Though Veronica reassures him everyone is required to RSVP and seating will be limited to 25 attendees, the co-owner continues to express that although he feels the Coalition is "a harmless, respectable group, it is the people who oppose you that I am concerned about. We are a small, local place in the middle of downtown Millersburg, and I am afraid your opposition will come and protest outside my hotel."

Ø April 5. Reservation for a meeting room is requested at the Berlin Hickory Smokehouse. The manager, Samantha Anderson, readily agrees to serve the Coalition a special breakfast (to include a vegetarian entrée), open up the restaurant earlier to accommodate the meeting time and allow attendees to enter through the back door, normally reserved for the employees. On April 13, a call is received canceling the reservation. Ms Anderson states she has learned about what happened at the Millersburg Library and "just doesn't feel comfortable." She continues to express "You would do the same thing if you owned this restaurant; we have to live here in this small town, and deal with the locals, what else do you expect us to do?"

Ø April 13. Reservation for a meeting room was requested at the Comfort Suites Berlin, a franchise of Choice Hotels International. Confirmation is received from the hotel reservations agent that a meeting room is confirmed for the Coalition to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions. On April 14, an email is received from hotel manager, Kent Miller, canceling the reservation: "Dear Veronica, I called and left a message also to inform you that we will be unable to host your group at the Comfort Suites Berlin. Your will not be able to meet here. Thank you" (actual text of e-mail). Following receipt of that message, no further explanation is given to any member of the Coalition or reporter Nick Sabo, who is writing a story on the state-wide campaign for publication in tomorrow's issue of The Daily Record.

Following this experience in Holmes County, it is our firm belief that those who live in Holmes County and are opposed to the Ohio Dog Auctions Act are running scared because the humane community is uniting as one voice for the dogs! Because of this, we are more committed than ever to raising awareness of the animal cruelty, consumer fraud and corruption associated with the Ohio Dog Auctions, and we will continue to aggressively pursue all avenues to ensure passage of the Ohio Dog Auctions Act!

As expressed recently by one of our favorite supporters:

"Animal advocates are not defeated. If anyone thinks that we are going to stop agitating, they had better think again. If anyone thinks that we are going to stop litigating, they had better close the courts. If anyone thinks that we are not going to demonstrate and protest, they had better roll up the sidewalks."

Get Political for Ohio's Animals in 2010! Holmes County leaders need to hear your voice! We encourage you to express your concerns and thoughts to all of these business establishments, as well as the Holmes County Chamber of Commerce! Below is important contact information for each which can be accessed by clicking on the links:

Hotel Millersburg

Berlin Hickory Smokehouse

Comfort Suites Berlin

Choice Hotels International

Holmes County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors (It is of particular interest to note that Mr. Miller serves as Vice President and Tourism Liaison!)



As an Ohio resident and voter, I am appalled at the blatant discrimination exercised by your business to supporters of the Coalition to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions. Because of this, please be rest assured I will not visit nor purchase any products and services from your establishment, and I will be asking the same from all my friends, family and co-workers.


(City, State and Zip)

As always, thanks in advance for your continued dedication and support of our campaign!

Mary O'Connor-Shaver
Cell: 614-271-8248
Columbus Top Dogs

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Next Dog Auction

Dear Companion Pet Lovers ~

The next Ohio Dog Auction is scheduled to take place on May 22 (“Back to the Kennel”) and over 300 dogs are expected to be placed on the block. Now is the time to send a strong message to our state legislators that dog auctions are an embarrassment to Ohio and its humane minded citizens, and voters and taxpayers are committed to supporting a 2011 ballot initiative to ban these events from our community!

In the News!

If you haven’t done so already, we invite you to read these latest articles highlighting our 2011 ballot initiative campaign:

> 03/31/10 - * The Budget - Ban Ohio Dog Auction group met with opposition in Holmes county
> 03/30/10 - Fox 19 Morning News - Puppy Mill Petition
> 03/28/10 - Mansfield News-Journal - Opinion Shapers: Animal cruelty, in all its forms, needs to end
> 03/19/10 - Sun Sentinel - Ballot issue could help end puppy mill activities
> 03/10/10 - Animal Law Coalition - The Ballot Initiative to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions - Watch What Happens
> 03/07/10 - The Free Press - Support the Coalition to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions
> 03/05/10 - Fairfield Town Crier - Local groups join signature drive to stop dog auctions in Ohio
> 03/04/10 - Best Friends Animal Society (Puppies Aren't Products) – Sending a Message to Ohio Legislators on Dog Auctions

> 02/24/10 - The Jackson County Telegram - Local meeting slated on banning of dog auctions

> 02/21/10 - The Athens News Letter to the Editor - Support petition effort to make dog auctions and raffles illegal in Ohio

* As a side note, we received some disturbing reports from the March 27 Ohio Dog Auction which included dogs purchased by a rescue that had high fevers, infected gums, inflamed hips and broken legs. The veterinarian's report has been requested from the rescue, and we will provide you additional details on that case as they are received by the Coalition.

For a complete listing of media releases relating to our ballot initiative, please click here.

2010 Columbus Pet Expo!

We are thrilled to announce that this year’s 2010 Columbus Pet Expo was a HUGE success, and we exceeded our goal of 200 approved applications for pet adoptions! As expressed by Expo organizers, Steve, Teresa and Mythanne, "Columbus Pet Expo is a much stronger community event because of you. Thanks for making a difference!"

This year's Show also provided an excellent forum to help educate the public on issues and pending legislation impacting Ohio's animals. We are pleased to share that the Coalition to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions received an OVERWHELMING “two paws up” from Ohio animal lovers and humane organizations across 65 counties in support of our 2011 ballot initiative campaign!

For a complete listing of those who support a ban on Ohio dog auctions, please click here.

April 10, 2010 – A Day to Get Political for Ohio’s Animals!

Get motivated and get involved! We need many voices to serve as a strong voice for Ohio’s animals!

Ø Lorain County – Coalition Meeting on the Ohio Dog Auctions Act

10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Avon Lake Public Library - 32649 Electric Boulevard, Avon Lake, OH 44012-1669

R.S.V.P. to Anne Neumann at

Ø Licking County – Woofstock ‘Stop the Howlacaust’ Rally and Protest

10:00 AM – 2:00 PM

Licking County Animal Shelter – 544 Dog Leg Road, Heath, OH 43056

R.S.V.P. to Sherry Drescher at

Our limited edition of I'm Getting Political for Ohio's Animals in 2010! T-shirts were a BIG seller during the 2010 Columbus Pet Expo, and because of their popularity, we will be offering this gear during the April 9-11, 2010 Everything Pets Expo in Cincinnati!

Just 244 days remaining until December 1!

As of April 1, a total of 10,297 signatures have been collected of the minimum 120,700 signatures required. 259 volunteer Petition Circulators have raised awareness of the Ohio Dog Auctions Act by helping to collect signatures from 65 counties.

Voters across the state are communicating with their fellow citizens and starting to gather a goal of a minimum of 120,700 signatures by December 1, 2010 to put the proposed law before the Legislature in January 2011. Volunteer petitioners are needed to make this initiative a reality in Ohio —we have until December 1, 2010! We need everyone's participation to make this vital effort a success!

Campaign Kits! Our campaign kit to help gather signatures contains a media release, an informational sheet on the top questions (with answers) everyone needs to know on Ohio dog auctions and an informational sheet on best strategies in helping to raise awareness and gather signatures from registered voters. To download these and other informational materials, including a copy of the Initiative Petition (Ohio Dog Auctions Act), please click here.
Town Hall Meetings! Learn more about the Ohio Dog Auctions Act by participating in a Town Hall Meeting for your county! For dates, times and locations (as they become confirmed), please click here.
Signature Gathering! With over 120,700 signatures needed for the Initiative Petition to be placed on the 2011 ballot, much help is needed from volunteers! For dates, times and locations of upcoming Signature Gatherings (as they become confirmed), please click here.
Ohio Voters Against Puppy Mills and Dog Auctions.

If you haven't done so already, we invite you to join the over 1,850 voices who have become members of our Face Book group, "Ohio Voters against Puppy Mills and Dog Auctions." Membership is FREE, and our portal serves as a great vehicle in which to receive timely updates on issues and campaigns addressing Ohio dog auctions, puppy mills and the entities that support and keep them in business.

For more information on how you can become a member, please click here.

Campaign Gear.

If you are interested in purchasing any of our low cost 'Coalition to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions' gear to help raise awareness of the Ohio dog auctions (t-shirts, car magnets, lawn signs, etc.), please visit the 'Contact Us' page of our website,

Thanks everyone for your continued dedication to serving as a strong voice for the dogs!

County Total votes cast in 2006 governor's race 3% (the MINIMUM number of signatures we need to collect by 12/01/10) The total number of signatures we have collected as of 04/01/10 Percent of Goal
Adams 8,685 261 14 5.36%
Allen 36,229 1,087 0 0.00%
Ashland 19,355 581 14 2.41%
Ashtabula 33,865 1,016 5 0.49%
Athens 19,840 595 114 19.16%
Auglaize 16,907 507 0 0.00%
Belmont 23,996 720 0 0.00%
Brown 14,044 421 1 0.24%
Butler 115,895 3,477 65 1.87%
Carroll 11,152 335 5 1.49%
Champaign 14,264 428 2 0.47%
Clark 49,056 1,472 1 0.07%
Clermont 65,010 1,950 31 1.59%
Clinton 12,646 379 0 0.00%
Columbiana 36,223 1,087 2 0.18%
Coshocton 13,408 402 419 104.23%
Crawford 16,744 502 0 0.00%
Cuyahoga 454,100 13,623 3,214 23.59%
Darke 20,223 607 0 0.00%
Defiance 13,638 409 0 0.00%
Delaware 64,773 1,943 245 12.61%
Erie 30,106 903 10 1.11%
Fairfield 54,004 1,620 120 7.41%
Fayette 8,402 252 1 0.40%
Franklin 373,258 11,198 2,040 18.22%
Fulton 16,141 484 1 0.21%
Gallia 10,165 305 0 0.00%
Geauga 39,148 1,174 304 25.89%
Greene 59,113 1,773 0 0.00%
Guernsey 13,375 401 2 0.50%
Hamilton 287,496 8,625 162 1.88%
Hancock 25,675 770 249 32.34%
Hardin 9,723 292 13 4.45%
Harrison 6,095 183 0 0.00%
Henry 11,473 344 0 0.00%
Highland 13,158 395 0 0.00%
Hocking 9,860 296 330 111.49%
Holmes 8,108 243 12 4.94%
Huron 18,917 568 3 0.53%
Jackson 10,423 313 103 32.91%
Jefferson 26,133 784 0 0.00%
Knox 20,780 623 13 2.09%
Lake 88,006 2,640 346 13.11%
Lawrence 19,109 573 1 0.17%
Licking 59,051 1,772 69 3.89%
Logan 16,080 482 7 1.45%
Lorain 100,632 3,019 523 17.32%
Lucas 142,784 4,284 78 1.82%
Madison 13,441 403 47 11.66%
Mahoning 95,251 2,858 6 0.21%
Marion 21,691 651 27 4.15%
Medina 65,511 1,965 153 7.79%
Meigs 7,707 231 13 5.63%
Mercer 15,646 469 2 0.43%
Miami 37,054 1,112 26 2.34%
Monroe 6,066 182 2 1.10%
Montgomery 189,201 5,676 101 1.78%
Morgan 5,516 165 14 8.48%
Morrow 12,575 377 18 4.77%
Muskingum 28,719 862 19 2.20%
Noble 5,072 152 0 0.00%
Ottawa 17,207 516 0 0.00%
Paulding 7,479 224 0 0.00%
Perry 11,291 339 10 2.95%
Pickaway 17,960 539 173 32.10%
Pike 9,776 293 0 0.00%
Portage 54,970 1,649 72 4.37%
Preble 15,553 467 3 0.64%
Putnam 14,161 425 0 0.00%
Richland 45,799 1,374 88 6.40%
Ross 23,839 715 14 1.96%
Sandusky 22,736 682 1 0.15%
Scioto 26,369 791 0 0.00%
Seneca 20,051 602 1 0.17%
Shelby 17,029 511 0 0.00%
Stark 139,414 4,182 306 7.32%
Summit 197,747 5,932 314 5.29%
Trumbull 81,128 2,434 28 1.15%
Tuscarawas 31,585 948 44 4.64%
Union 16,877 506 49 9.68%
Van Wert 10,409 312 0 0.00%
Vinton 4,422 133 14 10.53%
Warren 68,091 2,043 24 1.17%
Washington 22,788 684 0 0.00%
Wayne 38,546 1,156 115 9.95%
Williams 13,033 391 0 0.00%
Wood 45,616 1,368 15 1.10%
Wyandot 8,160 245 1 0.41%
All Counties 4,022,754 120,682 10,219 8.47%

Mary O'Connor-Shaver
Cell: 614-271-8248
Columbus Top Dogs

Ban Dog Auctions

Dear Companion Pet Lovers ~

Voters across the state are communicating with their fellow citizens and starting to gather a goal of a minimum of 120,700 signatures by December 1, 2010 to place a measure on the November 2011 ballot. We need everyone's participation to make this vital effort a success!

Friday, April 9 - Sunday, April 11, 2010 - 2010 Everthing Pets Expo
Friday, April 9 (2 PM - 8 PM)
Saturday, April 10 (11 AM - 8 PM)
Sunday, April 11 (11 AM - 5 PM)
Duke Energy Convention Center - 525 Elm Street, Cincinnati, OH 45208
R.S.V.P. by Wednesday, April 8 to

Coalition to Ban Ohio Dog Auctions will be at Booth 7 and 8, right next to one of our favorite supporters, Dachshund Delights!

Help educate the public with fun pet entertainment, pet competition shows and events, seminars and new product sales and demonstrations about the importance of responsible pet ownership! This is a great opportunity to volunteer as an individual, as a family, or as a group and help raise awareness and collect signatures supporting our ballot campaign to end dog auctions in Ohio!

Sunday, April 18, 2010 - EarthFest 2010
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo - 3900 Wildlife Way, Cleveland, OH 44109
R.S.V.P. by Friday, April 16 to

Spend a day learning, inspiring leadership and encouraging action for a healthy environment! This is a great opportunity to volunteer as an individual, as a family, or as a group and help raise awareness and collect signatures supporting our ballot campaign to end dog auctions in Ohio!

Sunday, April 18, 2010 - RASCAL Clinic Hosted by Mid-Ohio Animal Welfare League
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Braintree - 201 East 5th Street, Mansfield, OH 44902
R.S.V.P. by Friday, April 16 to

Mid-Ohio Animal Welfare League (MAWL) is the Richland County area coordinators for the RASCAL low cost spay/neuter mobile unit. Appointments are still available for male cat neuters and can be made by calling 567-241-3244. Please remember MAWL accepts vouchers from the Richland Co Dog Shelter - that's $20 off the already discounted price! This is a great opportunity to volunteer as an individual, as a family, or as a group and help raise awareness and collect signatures supporting our ballot campaign to end dog auctions in Ohio!

Saturday, April 24, 2010 - North Coast Nature Festival
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Rocky River Nature Center - 24000 Valley Pkwy., North Olmsted, OH 44070
R.S.V.P. by Thursday, April 22 to

Spend a day participating in two presentations by nationally-acclaimed nature photographer Rod Planck other nature talks, nature programs, demonstrations and exhibits by local nature organizations, artists and vendors! This is a great opportunity to volunteer as an individual, as a family, or as a group and help raise awareness and collect signatures supporting our ballot campaign to end dog auctions in Ohio!

Sunday, April 25, 2010 - Madeira Flea/Treasure Market
12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Madeira High School Cafeteria - 7465 Loannes Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45243-1899
R.S.V.P. by Friday, April 23 to

Help support Lexi Pet Therapy and dedicated animal advocates during this fun-filled flea/treasur market! This is a great opportunity to volunteer as an individual, as a family, or as a group and help raise awareness and collect signatures supporting our ballot campaign to end dog auctions in Ohio!

Sunday, May 2, 2010 - Buckeyes for Canines - Paws for a Purpose
1:00 PM - 5 PM
Ohio State University - South Oval - West 12th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210
R.S.V.P. by Friday, April 30 to

Join Buckeyes for Canines in their efforts to find forever homes for as many animals as possible while highlighting the great work of Central Ohio's animal rescues, shelters and humane societies! This is a great opportunity to volunteer as an individual, as a family, or as a group and help raise awareness and collect signatures supporting our ballot campaign to end dog auctions in Ohio!

Saturday, May 15, 2010 - Sixth Annual Paws 4 A Cause: Find Your Forever Friend
9:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Cleveland Metroparks Polo Field - Chagrin River Rd. and S. Woodland Rd, Moreland Hills, OH 44022
R.S.V.P. by Friday, May 14 to

Help support Paws 4 A Cause find forever homes for as many animals as possible while enjoying a day of great food, dog contests and raffles! This is a great opportunity to volunteer as an individual, as a family, or as a group and help raise awareness and collect signatures supporting our ballot campaign to end dog auctions in Ohio!

Saturday, May 29, 2010 - Pet Promise 5K Rescue Run & Walk
8:30 AM (Registration) - 2 PM
Arena District, McPherson Park - 218 West Street, Columbus, OH 43215
R.S.V.P. by Thursday, May 27 to

Help support Pet Promise find forever homes for as many animals as possible while enjoying a day of great food, dog contests and raffles! This is a great opportunity to volunteer as an individual, as a family, or as a group and help raise awareness and collect signatures supporting our ballot campaign to end dog auctions in Ohio!

Mary O'Connor-Shaver
Cell: 614-271-8248
Columbus Top Dogs