Tuesday, November 25, 2008


HB446 will have hearings,opponent and proponent on December 2,3 and 4 at 10 AM. I am not sure what position we are on the agenda. I think we should be represented. I plan to go at least one day. Please e-mail me at mbrady11@columbus.rr.com or call 614-882-9062 if you plan on going.

Sen. Cates administrative assistant, Sarah Spence said HB223 is still in committee. The chairman of the committee "has some concerns" before it can be moved forward. We need to follow this closely BECAUSE IT IS POSSIBLE for it to move before before the legislature ends this year. I left a message for Jim Hughes adm. assistant to call me. No answer yet, so I'll try tomorrow.

Bobbi Brady

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Louisville Ky

I do not know the writer of this information and readers should simply be aware and hope that more information will come.....Bobbi Brady

> For those living in Louisville, KY: Metro Animal Services now has in
> place a Task Force which is operating under color of law, illegally
> seizing animals. A member of the Task Force contacts people who have
> advertised puppies or kittens in the Courier-Journal, on
> www.Louisville- pets.com, LouisvilleMojo. com, or craigslist.com (and
> possibly other sites). This member, a Louisville Metro ACO, poses as a
> puppy buyer, and when granted access to the property in that guise,
> does an inspection. Then, immediately upon leaving the property, the
> ACO signals to the other members of the Task Force (which inexplicably
> include Louisville Metro Police Officers), who then arrive on the
> doorstep demanding entry and threatening to seize the animals.
> Up to this point, ACOs have been granted access and animals have been
> seized. Those animals are not returned to the owner without
> extortionate fines (well over $300 per animal), and penalties
> including spaying/neutering of the parents and vaccinations of the
> puppies regardless of age.
> police and ACOs alike UNTIL A SEARCH WARRANT IS PRODUCED, describing
> your property and the probable cause upon which the warrant is based,
> and signed by a judge. CONTACT AN ATTORNEY!
> Contact information for a local attorney with understanding of dog/cat
> issues:
> Pat King 585-5763
> 730 W. Market St
> Louisville, KY

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pet Care & Law Information

Please read today's edition of the Columbus Dispatch(11/8) in the Metro section.

The Franklin County Animal Care and Control is going to offer pet care and law information. This is an attempt to eliminate or reduce fines if the owner hasn't licensed,vaccinated or has allowed their animal to run loose. Offenders attend a class to teach them to become responsible dog owners thereby getting reprieve from fines.

In my opinion, this is a giant step toward responsible pet ownership and I hope it works. Of course, we need to know who is paying for the classes, don't we.

Roberta "Bobbi" Brady