Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Puppy Uniform Protection Statute (PUPS) Legislation Introduced in US Congress

[Thursday, September 25, 2008]
The Puppy Uniform Protection Statute (PUPS) has been concurrently introduced in the US House of Representatives last week as H.R. 6949 and in the Senate as S.3519. The legislation will require that any breeder who sells more than 50 dogs per year direct to the public through internet sales or other outlets be inspected and licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture. Current law requires breeders who sell at wholesale (to pet stores, research facilities etc.) and have more than 3 breeding females to be licensed and inspected by the USDA.
The legislation further mandates that licensed dealers provide each dog 12 weeks or older with a minimum of two exercise periods during each day for a total of not less than one hour of exercise. Specifically PUPS requires that each dog be removed from its primary enclosure for this exercise, assuming that the dog is kept in a crate - the bill does not make exceptions for animals that are housed in larger runs where they are able to exercise continuously.
The American Kennel Club was not involved in the drafting of this legislation, but we look forward to working with federal legislators to contribute language which ensures the health and welfare of our canine companions without infringing upon the rights of responsible dog breeders and responsible dog owners.
AKC would encourage Congress to recognize that the responsibility of a breeder cannot be judged by the number of dogs sold or owned, but rather solely on the quality of care provided to the animals. We encourage Congress to direct USDA to draft performance based regulations which ensure dogs are provided with proper care and humane treatment including an adequate and nutritious diet, clean water, clean living conditions, regular veterinary care, exercise and socialization opportunities and kind and responsive human companionship.
The AKC Government Relation staff will carefully monitor this legislation and will update our website as the legislation moves forward.

Subject: Federal Puppy Mill Bill Introduced


Federal Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Crack Down on Abusive Puppy Mills
Legislation Seeks to Close Loophole in Animal Welfare Act that Allows
Internet Breeders to Sell Puppies without any Federal Oversight
WASHINGTON (Sept. 19, 2008) — The Humane Society of the United States and
Humane Society Legislative Fund commend federal lawmakers for introducing bills
that will crack down on abusive “puppy mills” in the United States — where
breeding dogs are often stacked in wire cages for years to produce litter
after litter. The legislation will close a loophole in the Animal Welfare Act
that currently allows large, commercial breeders who sell puppies online and
directly to the public to escape licensing and regulation.
The legislation — known as the “Puppy Uniform Protection Statute” (PUPS),
or “Baby’s Bill” in honor of rescued puppy mill survivor Baby who is the
subject of Jana Kohl’s new book A Rare Breed of Love — was introduced in the
House of Representatives yesterday as H.R. 6949 by Reps. Sam Farr (D-Calif.),
Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.), Lois Capps (D-Calif.) and Terry Everett (R-Ala.). A
companion bill was also introduced in the Senate by Sen. Richard Durbin (D-Ill.).
The bills also require that dogs used for breeding be removed from their
cages for exercise every day. Female breeding dogs in puppy mills are typically
forced to live their entire lives in small cages with no opportunity for
exercise, no socialization, and little human interaction.
“Dogs are not livestock, and they shouldn’t be treated like a cash crop,”
said Michael Markarian, executive vice president of The Humane Society of the
United States and president of the Humane Society Legislative Fund. “We are
grateful to federal lawmakers for introducing this legislation to curb the
worst abuses in the puppy mill industry. It’s a much-needed upgrade to our
nation’s laws that protect man’s best friend from cruelty and harm.”
Facilities that breed dogs for commercial resale through pet stores are
required to be licensed and inspected under the federal Animal Welfare Act. But
thanks to a gaping exception in the law, puppy mills that sell directly to the
public are exempt from any federal oversight whatsoever. Unregulated
Internet sellers and other direct sales facilities sell thousands of puppies a year
to unsuspecting consumers. Due to improper care, their puppies are often
sick, leaving outraged consumers with frail, sometimes dying puppies and high
vet bills. Meanwhile, the breeding dogs at these facilities often spend their
entire lives in constant confinement and deprivation.
“Sadly, finding your puppy online may well increase the chance that you’ll
be buying from a puppy mill,” said Sen. Durbin. “Our bill simply requires
that breeders obtain a license from the USDA if they raise more than 50 dogs
in a 12-month period and sell directly to the public and sets forth reasonable
standards of care for commercial breeders. Responsible dog breeders are not
the target of this legislation, but hopefully it will put the puppy mills out
of business.”
“My work supporting puppy mill regulation goes back to my time in the
California Assembly where I championed California's puppy mill law,” Rep. Farr
said. “I think it’s very important that Congress take the time to address
issues like animal welfare. These are the kinds of issues that really demonstrate
who we are as a society.”
“I’m proud to join with Congressman Farr and representatives of The Humane
Society of the United States today as we continue our efforts to ensure that
commercial dog breeders are appropriately regulated,” added Rep. Gerlach. “
Our bill, the PUPS Act, will close a loophole in current law that allows
large breeding operations avoid any and all oversight. I am confident that this
bill will not hinder the operation of reputable and responsible breeders.
Instead, it is aimed at protecting dogs and making individuals who are motivated
by profit over the fair and humane treatment of dogs accountable for their
The legislation will close the loophole in the AWA that allows thousands of
commercial breeders to go unregulated. It will require the following changes
to the AWA:
* All dog breeders who sell more than 50 puppies per year directly to
the public will be federally licensed and inspected; and
* Dogs at commercial breeding facilities must be given the opportunity
to exercise for 60 minutes a day.
* The bill will not affect small breeders and hobby breeders who sell
fewer than 50 dogs per year directly to the public, but is crafted to cover
only the largest commercial breeding facilities.
Public concern about the inhumane conditions typical in puppy mills is at an
all-time high, due to coverage on national television and several
large-scale cruelty investigations and rescues from puppy mills this summer that The
HSUS and local shelters spearheaded. Earlier this year, the Farm Bill passed
by Congress included a new provision to ban the importation of puppies under
six months old from puppy mills in China, Russia, Mexico and other foreign
Media Contact: Liz Bergstrom, 301-258-1455, _ebergstrom@humanesociety.org_
The Humane Society of the United States is the nation's largest animal
protection organization — backed by 10.5 million Americans, or one of every 30.
For more than a half-century, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of
all animals through advocacy, education, and hands-on programs. Celebrating
animals and confronting cruelty — On the web at _humanesociety.

(http://www.humanesociety.org/) .
The Humane Society Legislative Fund is a social welfare organization
incorporated under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code and formed in 2004
as a separate lobbying affiliate of The Humane Society of the United States.
The HSLF works to pass animal protection laws at the state and federal
level, to educate the public about animal protection issues, and to support humane
candidates for office. On the web at _hslf.org_ (http://www.hslf.org/) .

The Humane Society of the United States
2100 L Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037
_humanesociety.org_ (http://www.humanesociety.org/)
Celebrating Animals, Confronting Cruelty